Frequently Asked Questions


Below are a few FAQs and comments that I often get asked. 

If something is not listed we can go over that or if you would like more clarity - book a free 15-minute introduction call with me here and we can to go over your project.

I would like a website designed but have no brand in place.

No problem! I am an experienced brand designer and create your brand and guidelines for you for an additional fee. We can discuss it on a call.

Do you provide copy and write my website?

The short answer is no. I do know and work with very experienced copywriters that I can recommend.

Do you provide images and photography?

Yes and no. I can image search for you, this will come at an additional fee charged hourly from a royalty-free website plus the cost of the images If you have images - that’s great and I will incorporate them into your website.

What is your process to design a website?

Step 1 - We speak on a call to discuss your project.
Step 2 - Contracts signed and 50% deposit settled.
Step 3 - I will work on wireframes and a concept.
Step 4 - The design sent to you for approval and feedback
Step 5 -  One  more round of revisions and feedback
Step 6 - Final payment is made and your website goes live! 

The above is a rough guide as no two jobs are the same. Additional requirements can be added.

Timescale - how long will my project take?

Before we start I will send over a questionnaire and we will go over it on a quick call to make sure we have points covered and singing from the same sheet - this includes timescales.

Will you host my website?

Your website will be designed and hosted via Squarespace. The Squarespace platform is what I built this website with. I offer it to my clients as it is easy for them to use and maintain. I do offer maintenance services. Please give me a call to go over anything and that includes prices. Let’s talk

Branding - can you design just a logo?

Your brand is more than your logo? Let’s also discuss your brand and company values.