Should I hire a freelance graphic designer?

Short answer - Yes! I would say that being biased.

Companies throughout the years have hired extra support for their business. Sometimes it is the case of bringing in additional help - some with specialist knowledge. Be it a marketer, copywriter or freelance graphic designer.

At the start of March 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic struck. I was worried that all my clients would reduce their budgets or worse still and drop me. But I was never busier. Companies wanted to get their message across and keep their stakeholders reassured.

Here are 5 reasons a freelance graphic designer could be the right fit and be of benefit to your company:

  1. More affordable - no large overheads as an agency.

  2. Bring in expertise creativity and knowledge - freelancers often have to keep up to date with training and current trends - fonts, colours, imagery and contemporary designs.

  3. Flexible to work with - can work remotely so you won’t need to create space in an office.

  4. Can offer bespoke solutions - you may need a freelancer on a retainer package or ad hock for your graphic design needs. Freelancers are often agile and open to working within your team.

  5. Consistency - knowing you and your brand. Carrying forward your vision and making you stand out visually.

I’m always happy to talk with you about any of the points above, hit the button below and please get in touch.

Angela Lyons Freelance Graphic Designer sitting behind a laptop.

Angela Lyons Freelance Graphic Designer

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